El client de Indonèsia visita Prosurge per a empreses de protecció contra sobrecàrregues

This week, we have a group of Indonesia customers, including our Indonesian agents and the associates of Indonesia Railway, visiting us for surge protection business discussion and also surge protection product training.

Indonesia, as one of the countries with the most frequent lightning strike, is suffering heavily from the damages of lightning and surges. Especially its railway system, as the most critical sector, has the most rigorous requirement on surge protection than any other sector.

We are happy to see that for the past several year, Prosurge’s surge protection devices are safely protecting the assets in its railway system and thus win the trust from the railway officials.

And we also thank our Indonesian agents for the efforts in promoting our brands and products in local market. During this visit, we are happy to renew our agency contract with them.

We look forward to seeing more Prosurge’s surge protection products applied in various sectors in Indonesia market.